The Webinar Series is a forum where financial experts share ideas, experiences lessons, financial literacy awareness, and improvement resources.  The Webinar Series termed “Outright Financial Matters Webinar Series” is conducted every last Wednesday of the month from 7.00 – 8.00 am East African Time.

They are custom-designed to meet client needs. Each Webinar is organized to address a specific financial improvement goal. The impact is being created in the areas of how we effectively use, attract, grow, and protect money. 

Contributing to financial efficiency, reducing financial distress, financial losses, debt control, financial surprises, overcommitments, cashflow crises, and general financial health.

Our webinars are customized with strong financial foundation aspects for beginners with fresh financial approaches and lessons for more experienced participants.

The participants in the Webinar Series have included staff from banks, universities, insurance companies, government departments and agencies, multinational bodies, small and medium-sized enterprises individuals, and families.