
About FinanceLIP

Finance LIP is the Finance Literacy Improvement Program of the Retirement Life Hub (RLH) Limited.

RLH has three pillars: (1) Financial preparednessawareness and empowerment, where Finance LIP falls.  (2) Empowerment to remain active and productive in life. (3) Preparedness to develop, maintain, and sustain essential relationships.

Finance LIP deals with pillar 1, financial preparedness focusing on:

  • Learning how to effectively use, and control finances. 
  • Being empowered to grow, multiply, and enhance your financial potential.

It provides financial learning and empowers you to take proactive actions to improve your ability to attract, effectively use, grow, and protect money.

Our Goal

Empowerment to effectively use, attract, grow and protect personal financial resources.

We believe in using simple and actionable steps to get smarter with your personal finances.

Our Philosophy
  1. Explore the “You”— appreciate who you are financially. 
  2. Learn — enhance financial knowledge and skills.
  3. Take action — apply, use, practice, and implement in a step-by-step consistent manner.

Navigating the Financial Path - The 30-Day Personal Finance Improvement Challenge

Learn and Acquire Requisite Personal Finance Knowledge and Skills at your own pace.
Follow a step-by-step process to enhance your ability to attract, effectively use, grow, and protect your money.

Resources to access
Sessions to take on
Number of Participants
Coaching Sessions held

What Makes Us

  • Standout with Holistic Financial Preparedness
  • Understand Your Net Worth and Manage Better “What You Own & What You Owe”
  • How to Navigate Financial Affairs
  • The Money Multiplier Formula
  • Turning Self-worth into Net-worth
  • The Power of Focus and Purpose
  • The Passionate Financial Life
  • Financial Discipline and Responsibility Simplified
  • Practical Tools and Illustrations
  • Beyond the Sessions: Coaching, Mentoring and Advisory Services
  • Self-help Personalised Tools
  • E-books
  • Regular Posts and Case Stories
  • Webinar Series



What People say about the Program