#3 How Money Works

The webinar is a great opportunity to learn how money flows and influences how we earn and spend. In tackling how money works, there are three fundamental aspects to consider, money foundations, influencers, and modalities.

This article deals with the money foundation of how money works. It’s imperative to note that personal financial improvement starts from appreciating the basics, to what financial questions you want to address, to nurturing a financial mindset, and then moving to how money works and the journey to financial improvement continues.

 We examined the essential population and wealth statistics and moved to where money is derived from.  A deep analysis of how money works affects the employees and business persons differently.

We ended on a note that how money works has two parts:

  1. Connecting the dots from talents to skills and to resources, appreciating the power of the process, people, and technology.
  2. How you effectively use, grow, and protect money continuously.

Remember, Christopher Rice says that “Every day is a bank account, and time is our currency. No one is rich, no one is poor, we’ve got 24 hours each.”


Dr. Charles Barugahare